26 Teams passed on Dan Marino due to the same Red Flag as Tunsil.
Laremy Tunsil and Dolphins great Dan Marino share a similar start.
First, let me be clear: this article isn’t about comparing Dan Marino and Laremy Tunsil’s careers. Tunsil hasn’t even played a down in the NFL, so no one can say if he will even be able to carry Dan Marino’s jock when all is said and done. But, it’s worth noting, for many Miami fans seem to have forgotten, 26 teams passed on Dan Marino due to drug use – and if I’m not mistaken, he turned out okay.
I admit, when his name was called my eyes crossed like a kick to the crotch. But, that’s when I started looking into Laremy Tunsil.
And I started to really like what I found – and no to the smart-asses, it’s not his bong time.
Mike Tyson once said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.”
Tunsil was blasted square in the jaw Thursday night, and how did he respond? Watch Deion’s interview here.
To me, it shows a great deal of maturity, grit, and fortitude to get lambasted in public, lose $8mill, and respond as he did.
Just like Dan Marino, a mistake shouldn’t condemn Laremy Tunsil.
Now, I am also not saying there isn’t an inherent risk with this pick. It doesn’t take a pay per head bookie genius to see this isn’t a guarantee. I’m also not saying that he will be a Hall Of Famer. What I am saying is Dan Marino fell even farther, yes under different circumstances, but due to the same stigma many more teams passed on him. So, Dan Marino’s tale demonstrates that there is hope in history that the 2016 NFL draft can be remembered as a resounding success.
It’s being reported that the video was floated around for months, looking for a buyer. This kid was blackmailed, sabotaged, and defamed. Everyone one of us has a moment that if recorded, would squirm if it were brought played to those close to us, much less revealed to the world. Miami fans, let’s keep this in mind as words like a thug, bum, bust, and even worse is thrown around. Laremy Tunsil is a Miami Dolphin, and more importantly, a human being, who had this video made when he was twenty.
Let’s be real can we, if the President of the United States can admit to drug use and get his hands on the nuclear codes, I think there is a chance for this kid to make it as an offensive linemen in the NFL. This is a good and possibly great pick!! Have we become so jaded that we can’t enjoy the hope it offers. Go Fins.