Adam Gase always seems to be on the attack, where as Joe Philbin always seemed to be in retreat.
Philbin talked about an aggressive offense, Adam Gase has already delivered.
Alpha Adam Gase appears to have already trumped queasy Joe Philbin in the coaching and keeping your word department,.
When Joe Philbin was awarded the coaching job in 2012, he promised that the Dolphins would have an “up-tempo” offense that would utilize the No-Huddle.
In his three and a quarter seasons as “coach” of the Miami Dolphins, Dolphins almost always utilized a huddle and were herky-jerky getting to the line. It was all just smoke coming out “Philbust’s” tailpipe.
That’s not so with this new sheriff. “Alpha Adam Gase” made the same proclamation as Philbin that the Dolphins would utilize an an “up-tempo” offense — many waved their hands and said, ‘Yeah, sure’. Well, in the span of only 3 preseason games, “Alpha Adam” has quieted disbelievers and delivered a fast paced offense that blows away anything ever witnessed throughout Philbin’s entire tenure.
The gassed defenses of the Cowboy and the Falcons can attest to this.
In these past three preseason games, Ryan Tannehill and the offense have barely used a huddle and called many of their plays at the line of scrimmage. In addition, they have been getting to the line with plenty of time left on the play clock. This has been an excellent display of game management on Tannehill’s part. The Miami offense has either had a quick snap, taken their time or let the play clock run down, depending on what they needed in the situation — all without a hitch. The Miami Dolphins offense is determining the tempo. They are dictating to the defense and maintaining the initiative, and that’s a refreshing and much needed change of pace — for both Miami and their fans.
Dolphins offense is finally on the offensive against defenses, rather than simply being offensive to Miami fans.
Tannehill is also doing a lot more communicating at the line of scrimmage, which is starting to make him look like Peyton Manning lite. Now hear what I’m saying, he is not playing like Manning yet, and he may never play like Manning. However, he is definitely beginning to take command and run an offense like Manning used to. Most pay per head sportsbook provider would agree that if Tannehill can master this offense, then he has a very good chance to make the next step as QB.
Tannehil’s progression is crucial for the Miami franchise as they are at a crossroads of his contract and have little else to transition to at the QB spot awaiting them on the horizon.
What Miami fans are seeing — and are having a hard time accepting — is the effects of competent coaching. Bad coaching has been the norm in Miami for so long that fans have become so used to the draining effect of incompetent coaches that they have forgotten the enhancing effects of good coaching. For four years it was said ‘Tannehill can’t handle full control of the line of scrimmage’. In months, Adam Gase has Tannehill controlling the LOS with much success. Fans have to ask themselves, what else on this 2016 team will blossom under Gase’s and Co’s guidance? Go Fins!!!