By Any Other Name

Cheating dressed by any other name (Spy-Gate, Deflate-Gate) still bears the stink of a lack of integrity. Whatever spin the Patriots or their fans would like to deliver on this scandal: Tom Brady has painted himself a cheat. NOW – he is still a great quarterback – one of the greatest. BUT, he chose to enhance his play with a scam that circumvented the rules…and folks, it wasn’t just one game. Whatever quantity you want to add or subtract to his legacy is debatable, it doesn’t dispel the fact that he is a tremendous player.
Let’s be clear though, in front of the nation, again and again, he denied ANY knowledge of the fact. That is the worst of it. He is a liar AND a cheat.
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Even though many greats throughout the sports cannon have sought an edge through dubious means, Brady’s deflating balls to gain an edge is still bad form. Some will defend Brady by saying, ‘if you aren’t cheating you aren’t trying’. Others will say it wasn’t a big edge or he still has the Superbowl ring. I say his word and honor is like the ring around the inside of a toilet bowl.
You see, this goes beyond “the game”. I would have been less apt to denounce him if he was caught and ‘fessed up’. Football is a game. Love it as deeply as you can, but in the end, it’s a game. A person’s word, his honor, his integrity on the other hand isn’t a game – not even in the remotest.
A few months back ESPN ran a documentary on Don Shula. The best pay per head reviews. One segment was on his integrity and how Csonka had found a Raider’s playbook and offered it to Shula for a game day advantage. Shula tossed it into the garbage. How much did he want to win? How much did football mean to him? I dare say as much as anyone ever in the game of football.
Don Shula understood that a man’s reputation and character out weighted any win or loss. To their shame, too many today have forgotten that. Too many condone the worst parts of human nature and what’s more celebrate it. Tom Brady’s greatest failing isn’t that he cheated, but that his character and name will forever be attached to the title of LIAR.
10 PPH Tips:
Well, Belichick seems to have disregard for NFL protocol i.e. injury lists and his above the law mentality seems to have permeated to his QB.
I remember as a kid they used to tell my dad who owned a restaurant that if you see one mouse -count on having many, many more that you don’t see. Well I guess we have seen a couple of mice in NE. It’s a shame that a team has to stoop to that level and get caught a couple of times to win and win big and often. I think they should suspend Brady for at least a few games and then tell him he can return only after he admits what he did- not before!
Anyone with an IQ over 50 could tell Brady was lying from the very beginning of all this. Guess Pats fans have IQs of 49 or lower. One of the biggest contributing factors in all this, is that the Pats got their hand slapped when it was found they cheated during all their Super Bowl wins prior to Spygate. I am sure that motivated them even more to keep cheating. I mean, who wouldn’t trade the 32nd pick in the draft and a few hundred thousand bucks to get 3 Super Bowl wins? Why not illegally deflate footballs when you know you’ll get your hand slapped again? My bet is the 2 Pats employees get fired (aka scapegoats) and Liar Brady will get a fine and a small suspension.
The fact is, Spygate should have resulted in their Super Bowl wins being stripped – that is why Goodell destroyed the tapes. And all their wins from this past season should be stripped too for DeflateGate – but that will never happen.
Yeah, he looked so uncomfortable. Someone who had nothing to hide would have been enraged. He looked a kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar.
I completely disagree in the last sentence of this article. Brady’s biggest failure will indeed be that HE CHEATED. Not any label or slur that can be hailed at anyone true or falsely.
His failure will be in the fact that his character is such that he is a cheater.
Just the facts maam.
And don’t forget a LIAR!!!! Plain and simple.
I get your line of thinking, but if he cheated and admitted it, it could be chalked up as a mistake, a failing of judgement but he owned up like a man. BUT his sheer and bold denial, to me, shows more than a mistake – it shows me the depth of his failed character.
Love , and integrity build’s character…… Knowing what you have accomplished as being part of a team that has a record of cheating, (Spy Camera) How sad… respect is lost. (4) Championships are tarnished and forever lost. The
blood sweat and tear’s have a deep shadow that will stay and remain part of your legacy. Like it or not, people that follow all sports will always will remember. What a great team the Patriots had, but they cheated to win. How many times we will never know!! Small lie or big lie. You and others have stamped the asterisk to your team and fan’s. Just like the (White Sox), and the New Orleans Saints. I might add.. the Boston police dept. Life will go on.. it is just a game…. Maybe we will all gain from this experience, I hope so. This reminds me when I found out that doctors, lawyers, priest, and politicians to name just some of the people in life that need to live to a higher standard. I too am part of the problem, and will continue to try and do better as fellow PATRIOT THAT HAS LEARNED FROM THIS
EXPERIENCE. No pun intended!!!!
Brady should receive a suspension of some sort. One game two games, six, something. We shall see what the league office does their poster child. Spy gate most certainly had an outcome on their 3 Superbowls and beyond. Deflate gate most certainly made a difference in those games involved, thing is, how long has deflate gate been going on? A lot longer than they got caught for. Suspension, draft picks all the above, something needs to be done. Players/coaches get suspended for cheating (PED’s, Bounties), pretty boy and the Patriots should be no different.
That’s the thing, how long was he deflating balls? NFL and Colts had a sting, so its been out there for a time. But, now at this point Brady’s word is worthless so we will never know. He might be a great QB, but as a man he’s trash. Guess cheaters do win sometimes…but at least in this case, a cheater was caught.
I heard a rumour that the report was out and there might be a suspension attached. Does anyone know if there is any truth to this??
It’s all rumor at this point, but I believe a suspension is a forgone conclusion.