Deflate-Gate Fall Out
The Deflate-Gate penalty: a four-game suspension, 1st and 4th round draft picks, and one million dollars…can you hear Dr. Evil from Austin powers say “One millllliooonn dollars”?
The cry from Patriots fans has been, ‘Because it was Brady’. ‘Everyone hates the Patriots’. ‘If it had been a real crime, he would have “gotten less”. ‘All that punishment for a little deflation? Unfair’.
After my article “By Any Other Name”, I got to hear from a few zealot Pats fans – fans meaning fanatics. It started with insults and descended from there – little class and zero objectivity. Basically acting the complete definition of a fanatic. Ultimately, Brady was an angel and I the devil.
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I was once there – a fanatic. Been there and done that. So I can’t judge harshly.
Let’s deal not in fanatics, but in the facts.
Brady and the Pats aren’t getting hit “this hard” because of deflating footballs and the best pay per head reviews…first, it’s because Brady purposely obstructed the investigation and hindered the hunt for the truth. Secondly, the Pats organization turns its nose up at the league – this hasn’t endeared them to the powers that be and they also repeat offenders. Thirdly, just like The Saint HC Payton got hit because he’s the captain and thus responsible for his team’s actions, so too is Belichick receiving he SAME treatment. Notice the word SAME?!
Let’s backtrack a bit. If Brady had come clean and said something other than ‘aww gosh shucks. I just didn’t notice. The stage light is just so bright‘. Then the burden might have been lighter. The going rate I’ve heard is 25K.
But he didn’t.

Pats fans would like us to believe Brady is a “god” at QB – calm, cool, collected and a brilliant tactician, but just didn’t notice the balls were underinflated. Guess his brilliance only works when it suits him? Anyone who has ever played football knows that an underinflated ball is instantly obvious to any a ball handler. Brady’s ‘gollie-gee-willikers‘ routine was a complete load. Add to this it was a sting that caught him means there was prior suspicion – and prior deflated balls. This wasn’t a one-game affair. So, this football “god” practiced all week with balls at one pressure, but come game time he and his offensive squad played with a ball of another pressure and no one noticed – no one!! I admit this isn’t a fact. And I can’t prove they were willfully ignorant. But, at a certain point in science improbability becomes impossible. I and the league believe we are there.
Focusing back on Brady, he then mocked the league, stoking the flames of league officials, by not turning over his phone and interfering with witnesses as to impede the case – these are facts. The report never said they believe he refused to turn over his phone or messed with witnesses. They said he DID. All the dots in the Wells Report would have been proven or dispelled by Brady’s phone and witnesses, but he refused and deluded crucial evidence. Why? I don’t mind reading. This is why they used ‘probable’ and couldn’t say DID – because Brady obstructed the case. BUT, in doing so he corrupted any benefit of the doubt about his motive.
I can say this – the truth is either Brady is guilty or innocent: one or the other. There are no other options.
If he is innocent and he decided to act as he did, then he is a complete fool. Dumber than a box of rocks. If you have zero culpability then you have nothing to hide. Instead, Brady’s actions have been to hide the object that could have dispelled his wrongdoing and to create an air of dubiousness by skulking about witnesses. A dunce hat please…anyone, anyone?
If he is guilty, then he acted accordingly with that of a liar and a cheat: to add lie, upon lie, upon lie in hopes to escape getting caught.
In this case, ignorance wasn’t the best defense. And for Brady, it isn’t bliss.
We will never know for a fact why Brady did what he did. But, Brady knows now that there is a price for acting as he has. Either a fool or a liar – or both: the penalty is the same…and one he will always be remembered for.
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Well fellas, it has come to my attention that Mr.Brady and Mr. Kraft are demanding an apology. 😮 well mr.Wells and Mr.Goodell are pretty busy these days so I thought I would step in and help. 🙂 (anyone agree?) So I thought I would start up the coast to New England and seek out Mr. Brady and Mr.Kraft to apologize from all of us for the embarrassing moments we put them through questioning their integrity as we all did. After all it’s only right. Then I thought I would travel back down south to Baltimore and seek out all those young lads that were “wilding” and destroying the city and police cars. And for sure I will assure them that by the time they are old enough to retire that the CVS and the retirement home they burned down will probably be rebuilt by then. 😕 I am sure I will be able to find them, I will go to the local schools and churches and locate them without any trouble. And as long as I went that far I guess I will turn west and go to the coast and root out Mr B.Bonds and apologize to him and lest we forget the great bikeman Lance Armstrong for all the embarrassment we put him through making him deny for years before he finally confessed. I am not done yet though I thought I would turn east and head straight for Yankee stadium because there is a guy there that actually got suspended for a year- not for his denials but for his actions. 😳 I’m sorry. Even after we dumped gobs of money on these heros for doing what they do so well they were still hurt by all of our accusations.(I’m sorry) Our prisons are stuffed with the youth of our country for all the wrongdoings and I am sorry for that too but these heros got millions upon millions of our dollars and –well they are not in prison. I guess the moral of the story is:
It seems the media is running a bit of interference all day on how the deflated ball isn’t that big of a deal…I’m feeling that they will chop down this punishment to portray it as not THAT big of a deal.
Curtis, the suspension basically stems from two episodes; 1 = repeat offenders (spygate), 2 = failure to cooperate with investigation. Why do you suppose they did not cooperate???? Because they are guilty!!!
Like the vast majority I agree that it is obvious they cheated
Should have been an 8 game suspension or a whole year
How long have they been doing it ??
How many games did they win because of this ??
I hope if it goes to court and they get an even harsher sentence, if that is possible
Let’s not forget that they also cheated with the formations and the rules had to be changed because of them
They are so guilty it stinks
What do you expect when you have a coach that encourages cheating
So it’s official. The Pats cannot win unless they cheat. Spygate, fake injury reports, officials cheating for them, and now DeflateGate. That entire organization lacks integrity and honesty. And they’ll keep doing stuff like that because no wins were taken away from them. What’s a 4 game suspension, money and a couple a draft picks mean when you win the SuperBowl?
They are defiantly arrogant, but still very well run. But, yeah integrity and honor doesn’t seem very high on there priority list.
Guilty!!! Caught!!!
Basically Brady is being suspended because he did not cooperate and his coach and he made a mockery of the whole situation leading up to the super bowl. If there was no guilt, no reason, then Brady would have cooperated, period!
The poster child of the league got caught. And the Patriots now have another tarnished championship. Funny or coincidence that the each of the Patriots Super Bowl titles comes with an asterisk or at least should.
Lets hope that it hurts the Pats where it counts = win/lose column.
Week 1 = Steelers (H)
Week 2 = Buffalo (A)
Week 3 = Jacksonville (H)
Week 4 = Bye
Week 5 Dallas (A)
Lets hope that they start out 1-3 in the first 4 games of the season, with Brady’s first game back being @ Indianapolis (possible loss) followed by a home game against the Jets. Leading to week 7 Thursday night game @ home against our Fins. New England could conceivably be 2-4 and Miami could be 5-1/6-0 (Miami must take advantage of an easier strength of schedule within the first 6 games).
Seems as though New England is more vulnerable than ever and now with Brady missing the first 4 games the opportunity has never been greater. Everything has fallen nicely for Miami now it will Miami’s turn to take care of business and Pounce on the opportunity!!!
For all their shady operations, they have the best coach in the league and a top 3 QB. Even minus the QB they will be fierce. Only way I see them vulnerable is if they fail to build a secondary. No secondary and little O might be trouble. But, I’d be very surprised if the penalty isn’t shaved down..
Facts are Facts Curtis. Each of their Super Bowl wins (3 = Spygate, 1 = deflategate) have been tarnished. Understand that deflating the balls may only have a minimal effect, but the spygate was totally bush league and straight cheating, and made HUGE differences.