Kenny Stills Is Right… Disagree, And You’re Bad
In the Kenny Stills ‘saga’ first Ross was the bad guy… now Brian Flores has joined him

Here’s the ‘truth’ as I’m hearin’ it: Kenny Stills is the good guy and anyone who disagrees with him is a really, really bad person.
Doubt me?! A train ‘journos’ and Stills will back my statement…
… so you can bet that it’s true!
Even the Dolphins ‘players’ agree.
A day after Stills complained about Jay Z and the NFL working together, Flores loaded the practice music with Jay Z tracks. The ‘players’ weren’t pleased. Doubt me, then read Safeed Dean’s latest article, “Players blast Jay-Z playlist day after Stills rips deal”.
Case closed. The Phins players back Stills and have turned on the turncoat company stooge, Brian Flores.
Now, just because these ‘players’ of the title aren’t even mentioned once in his article, that doesn’t mean a thing. Uh-huh, not a drop. Deceptive? Okay, I’ll give you that. But, it’s a catchy title and it grabs you. Doesn’t it? Journalism isn’t about facts, it’s all about getting a good message across. That’s all that matters. Isn’t it?
Hey, want even more proof?
In Dead Spin’s revolutionary article, “Brian Flores Encourages Kenny Stills To Keep Stephen Ross Criticisms Private, Like A Real Company Man” or as I like to call it, devoid of euphemism, the ‘Brian “Uncle Tom” Flores shows his true colors’, we get a full plate of ‘facts’ that prove Stills is the ‘good guy’… and those who disagree are the baddies.
Here’s some of the stunning enlightenment from white knight, Chris Thompson, “When Ross defended himself by attempting to separate Trump’s white nationalist platform from some of the superficial policy concepts strewn across it, Stills reiterated his correct assertion that supporting a racist president is incompatible with the mission of Ross’s RISE initiative.”
Learn: assertions ARE facts.
See! Even though Ross backed Stills kneeling when Trump was bashing teams for said ‘kneeling’ and has supported the cause of equality for longer than Stills himself, he’s a closet racist. Ross was even ‘forced’… err ahem, *cough* *cough*, decided to step down from the NFL committee on social justice because he knows the truth about himself.
Proof upon proof.
Who is Flores to say to the great Kenny Stills, ‘Why don’t you just talk to Ross first’.
How dare he! Anyone with a brain knows what’s he’ really saying is know your place.
As for Flores, he’s just a bootlicking traitor. What right does an NFL Head Coach have to want his team focused on football? Who does Flores think is running this team? That’s an indictment of right there.
Get with it people. You can call your boss a racist for supporting the wrong candidate because that’s righteous, baby. But, play Jay Z songs as a jab against a messiah and there should be hell to pay!
Quick tutorial:
You should always impune your boss’ character in public and intimate he’s a racist if he doesn’t agree with you 100%. ALWAYS DO THIS… because if your cause is good, whatever you say and do is right!
If you don’t believe me, ask Chris Thompson. He knows what’s up. His long life in suburbia makes him judge, jury, and executioner. Fact.
This whole thing has me waking up to ‘reality’
I’m just glad to finally come around. It’s refreshing to know that my Afro/Latina wife of 15 years, who immigrated from Panama, is at worst a racist and at best an Uncle Tom for her support of Trump and strong Borders.
I feel liberated.
It’s also uplifting to understand that if I followed her this time around and dared vote for Trump that I was a racist too. Maybe I have always secretly hated her and our three children?!
Okay, pushing Sarcasm aside…
Kenny Stills needs to go. Fast.
In just a few weeks of the preseason, Stills has provoked the press into churning out serious negativity on the Dolphins owner and head coach. What’s next? Don’t let the smiles fool you, these aren’t innocent missteps. Once is a blip, twice a correlation.
I’ve never written a negative word about Stills through his kneeling. I always thought he came across as a pleasant, hardworking guy, who was trying to do good… even if I disagreed. Ross was fine with his kneeling, so Stills had the right. You can’t agree on everything.
Now though, Stills has become a divisive force. Someone once said ‘you know a tree by its fruit’. I know who Stills is.
By all indication, Ross is a good and loyal man despite his mistakes on the football end. And Flores has a life history of positive character. He is trying to pass this character along to a dysfunctional franchise and beat the terrible prediction of the best bookie software sites like Ace Per
Stills, on the other hand, has been disloyal and a distraction. I don’t dislike him… unless he pulled what he did on Ross with me or my wife. I do think he is trying to do good. But at this point, the best course for all involved is for him to move on. Go Phins!!!
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Stop nealing during the national anthem,your problems in your head’s have Nothing to do with the people who have died for our free country.go Neal some where and your antifi are sickning . Go ahead and call me racial but I know better. You kids need to grow up and get your head out your assessment. Now let’s play football and forget about this crap!
Ross owns the team, if he allows kneeling, then that’s that. The reason why Stills kneels I understand but don’t agree with the look. due to Kap wearing pig sock…know many who were helped by cops and suffered cops deaths in 9/11. But my gripe is Ross getting destroyed after backing Stills all these years and Flores getting ripped for even questioning Stills. No one is above reproach. The lack of loyalty and media pile-on is my disagreement in this article.
I have always tried to support the causes my employer supports, especially when my employer has supported the causes I find to be important. Steven Ross has supported the players right to free speech even before the league took a position on this subject. It cost the Dolphins some fans, many (like me) were season ticket holders. Now, Kenny Stills is publicly criticizing Mr. Ross about his political contributions. Stills is being disloyal. His public denunciation of Ross’s political contributions was unnecessary. In fact, he could have asked for a meeting with Mr. Ross to discuss this issue, if it was that important to him.
Every wealthy business person makes many contributions to politicians who can help their businesses. Maybe Kinney needs to realize that it is Mr. Ross’s team that pays his salary. The team isn’t very good. Stills is no better than average as a wide receiver. Maybe Kinney should try to stay healthy, hold on to the ball in the end zone and start blocking. I know Stills spends allot of time working in the community, which is a honorable thing. However, the fact that the activist Kinney Stills has become a locker room politician is a big problem.
Always try to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. 2019 has been a budget cutting year leaving the team with few hopes of even having a winning season. Vegas says we can’t win more than 5 games. Does having Kinney Stills on the roster stirring up trouble make you feel like we will go 8 & 8 or better 9 & 7? I doubt it. Flores is a rookie coach with very limited experience at being the head anything. He does not need division in the locker room. Flores needs to cut Kinney Stills and play the young guys. Of course, Devatne Parker needs to go too, but I will keep a loyal malingerer over a disloyal mediocre player any day of the week.
Flores and Grier don’t need to say any more regarding this subject. They simply need to keep the players that are trying to improve and be part of the solution. They guys that learn their job and then do it to the best of their ability. Forget seniority and think about the ratio of productivity to salary. Honor productivity and loyalty. If I ask an employee to take one for the company and he or she does, then they are part of my team. If they refuse, I know that they may become expendable if they stop making it rain! In my book Stills in “in the desert riding a horse with no name!”
Stills will remain with the team… he isn’t going anywhere. But, the distraction and media negativity he can generate will always be there. Kneeling isn’t my fav, even though I support the reasons behind it. But, when a Ross and Flores can get destroyed in the media and Stills is teflon… then who has the power. No one should be destroyed over holding a fundraiser for a politician and not one should get called “company man” wink wink for simply saying you should talk to someone first before you blast them in front of the media. This is hypocrisy. Stills has the right to kneel if Ross says so. This is supposed to be about creating a dialogue and free speech… is this only a one way street? Is everything Stills does right and unquestionable? Media mobs and the way of the future it would seem…
Get Stills out of here. We dont need him and his distractions.
He won’t be moved… it will cause too many problems. But the problem is he now has the media and power. The kneeling isn’t the issue… problem is if he is questioned at any step then whoever does will get eviscerated by the media. As I said I like Stills and think he is doing good, even if I don’t like the kneeling. That isn’t my concern. What is the issue is the media witch hunt for anyone who has wrong think. Stills could have shown tolerance and strength by handling it another way. Instead, he generated a firestorm for Flores and Ross and the team… not loyal.