Nasty News With Don Cutter: Why I Hate The NFL

The amount of bullsh** you are force-fed while watching an NFL game is sickening. All these melodramatic bullsh** pertaining to the personal lives of players, owners, coaches, and their families that no one cares about and have nothing to do with the ball game just bores and sickens me. For instance, last night Jim Nantz and Tony Romo (I will not go off on them in this article, but will save that for another day) go off for a few minutes on the owner of the Eagles and the altruism of their family. Not sure why they are directed to do this, whether it was pushed by the Eagles or what, but no one watching the game gives a sh** about the owner of the Eagle’s personal life. No one cares about sentimental stories to any one of the players on the field’s lives either, but this sentimental bullsh** persists in permeating throughout the league.
One sensitive yet stupid subject is Damar Hamlin. He was treated like a hero all last year, including a trip to the white house. The question that no one ever seems to ask is what exact feat of virtue or excellence did he accomplish to warrant veneration? What exactly was the reason for his hero’s treatment? Customarily for someone to be deemed virtuous or excellent in this world it usually is due to socially recognized achievements and selfless deeds that are beneficial to society. Was it because he got hurt on the field? Does not seem likely, as players get hurt all the time and are not celebrated. Was it because he almost died on the field? He and the rest of these players chose to play a violent sport, and he is one of the special few who can make a fortune playing this violent sport. There is a known risk for all of them, and his body not being able to sustain the injuries that occur does not seem to be something to celebrate. (Especially since there is a possibility that the growing number of heart attacks and heart-related problems amongst athletes is related to the vaccine. You cannot prove it either way but there seems to be a trend). Has he achieved excellence? He has reached the pinnacle of football play by making it on the roster for the Buffalo Bills, which in itself is excellent, but not excellent enough to be celebrated. Therefore, we can rule out excellence. Was this a heroic deed? Was there self-sacrifice involved? He knew before he started playing football that it was a violent and dangerous sport. They play the sport to defeat others, make money, and achieve personal feats within the game. They sacrifice their body for all of the above, which hold no intrinsic value to society apart from generating value for equity holders and sponsors from viewership. It does then seem that we can cross heroism from the list.
Then why is he celebrated?
There does not seem to be a reasonable explanation for why everyone in this sh** league seems to be celebrating this guy, but the world does not rotate around reason. It really just comes down to the disease we all know as the media and corporate culture that use the aforementioned storylines and stories of a similar nature to garner more attention to the league, project that they care about their employees, add storylines for the media to talk about on their shitt* shows. They like to add drama to a game that should not need it. They add sentimental backstories that do not cater to their viewers and are not helpful to the broadcast of the game. Also, they probably do this to appease the disease named the NFLPA (Will save the rant on these assh** for next time) who are constantly causing the league to change into this emasculated version of itself.
My take is you make the game into a man’s sport again and the increased intensity on the field will give these assholes the drama they need to fill their garbage shows. Let them taunt, talk sh**, hit hard, and even if a couple of punches are thrown and a scuffle breaks out here and there, let them keep playing after. Get the women to sideline reporters who ask sh** questions and often bring up the sentimental sh** that no one cares about off the field, and let the announcers talk freely and like men.
This is supposed to be a sport for men and played like men, not this melodramatic pussy whipped NFL of today that seems to be catering to the media, NFLPA, and all the special interest groups that are tormenting entertainment (We can get into that next time).
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