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Phins Surprise in All the Wrong Ways to End Season!

The Miami Dolphins were bounced from the post season with a Broncos 38-0 smackdown of the B-squad Chiefs and then were defeated by the 4-12 New York Jets Sunday 32-20, falling to 8-9 on the season. Quite a mouthful of ‘not so good’ for Phins fans in one day. But as ugly as the loss was the fallout after the defeat was worse.

In rapid succession Tyreek Hill said he was done with Miami and owner Stephen Ross rushed out a statement that he was bringing GM Chris Grier and Co. back in 2025. What a double shot of fun news, huh?

For me, the return of Grier is the worst of it all, even above the losing season, because he’s the author of everything. Gosh I feel sick at the thought of seeing him for another season.

Well, I guess we Phins fans should be used to licking the toilet bowl seat after years of practice.

So, let’s recap the ‘excitement’.

Jest Gets the Best of Phins

The Dolphins were flat all game because the Jets looked more invested than Miami. Clearly, the defense mostly played their hearts out led by Campbell, Sieler, and Brooks. Campbell was such a pleasure to watch this season. It was so clear by his play and his nature why he’s a special player even among the Hall of Fame players he’ll soon join. Sieler and Brooks also gave everything and more to do their part.

It doesn’t take the best football software to know the problem was the offense that struggled hard. Huntley crashed back down to earth with a fumble, 2 botched snaps and 2 interceptions, one of which was in the endzone. But it’s hard to pin it all on Huntley because the offensive line was terrible outside two beautiful runs by Achane. Huntley was under intense duress with 18 pressures and 3 sacks even though he was only blitzed a handful of times, and too many runs ended in losses or minimal gains.

Grier laughter at fans concerned about the offensive line again came back to haunt him. I’m sure Grier doesn’t give a whit about that though because he has been named GM for life.

Grier ‘Certainly’ Deserved to Return

The insanity of bringing Grier back defies description.

I’ll sum it up with this:

When Steven Ross fired Brian Flores he was asked about Grier’s job security, to which he said in essence, ‘three years ago we had the oldest team in the league and were cap strapped and now three years later we are one of the youngest and have cap flexibility‘. This is why Ross believed Grier should return. Well, now three years later from that quote and we are THE oldest team in the league and the 4th most cap strapped. We’ve come full circle.

Yet, despite this, Ross said he has “full confidence” in Grier.

What a joke.

Speaking of jokes…

Hill Wants Out!

I can’t say I blame Hill for wanting out, but I so want him to get his wish. We’ve invested far too much in small receivers and Hill has been a headache off the field and comes up small too many too often in big moments. What’s worse, Hill apparently pulled himself from the end of the game and that’s a bridge too far for me even if he does a thousand ‘It’s not what I meant’. You can’t win with selfish quitters. It likely feels the same for more than a few players.

So, can Grier deal an old, expensive, wounded, dysfunctional star, who has publicly stated he wants out and get much in return?

Guess it’s time for Grier to ‘cook’.

So here we are in the pit of dysfunction and failure again with no end in sight. Onward and upward to the offseason fellow Phins fans. At least we have the 13th overall pick, I’m just hoping Grier doesn’t do a ‘Grier’ and screw up the pick as he too often does. But you never know… Maybe this is our year? Go Phins!!!

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