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Sunday’s game against the Colts can be coined with a single term – SACKED. Now, James and Pouncy weren’t in so this wasn’t the official lineup, but how many teams across the league have had their O-Line tested with injuries and at least stayed competitive. Not the Dolphins though. They turned their QB into a Pinata and as much as you might dislike T-Hill’s play, you just can’t say jack about his toughness and guts.

Their was the safety and int in the end-zone, by of course Davis, which will linger on Tannehill’s shoulders somewhat. While the pass that turned into a pick should never have been thrown, the int was helped by pressure and the impeding of T-Hill’s follow through, and the safety was the fault of the line not picking up the D-Line’s stunt. Still, both those play’s were pivotal in the Dolphins losing once again and put some questions on T-Hill’s ability to manage the game. But, in the end the O-Line with all it’s high picks and high priced free agents was a shambles and is the epitome of why this regime from top to bottom is far more deserving of being sacked than T-Hill.

Hickey is under fire as the GM, but in  this “system” of management Tannenbaum as V.P. of Operations has an abnormal amount of influence and the heat needs to be turned up by the fans about his culpability is this fiasco. It doesn’t take a football gambling expert to see no single member of management or coaching or player is the reason for this debacle of a season, but Tannenbaum is the last stop before Ross and in essence is the overriding architect of this team…at least that’s what it seems – much like T-Hill’s ability to call audibles: twenty different answers on a simple question.

That’s the thing. Even simple concepts and organizational aspect are convoluted. That’s what this regime is a mess…complete FUBAR. Ross has one opportunity to rescue the rest of this decade by cleaning house all the way up to Tannenbaum and letting someone with football knowledge setting a football system and not a corporate one.  Will it happen? Rumors are flying that Tannenbaum is likely to stay…if so, this mess will probably continue into the next decade.



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