Tyreek Hill: Master at Being a Total Piece of…

I wondered after Tyreek Hill quit in the Jets game, had his goodbye tour, and waxed poetic of Miami needing more dogs, if it was possible he could do any more to make himself more distasteful? Well, Hill has proved himself a piece of BEEP that he has few peers with recent news he’s informed the Miami Dolphins that he wants a “better team” because he wants to win!

I guess the woman and child beating ‘incidents’ and constant off the field antics wasn’t just a blip on the radar?

Who’d a thunk?

Generational Talent & All World Loser

The Kansas City Chiefs played Chris Grier like a cheap fiddle when they traded Hill to us. Again, Grier was a few steps behind as he usually is. They knew who Hill was and weighed his talent against the contract and his character and the scales said the bum had to go. The Dolphins swooped in and made the “brilliant” trade and now find themselves chain into Hill because Grier decided to give him more locked in money before the start of the season.

Now Hill wants Grier to his act straight and put a team around him worthy of his greatness! This guy only sees a mirror in front of him.

Hill is right about Grier and his poor job at building this team, but the audacity is stunning… and telling.

I don’t like Grier in the least and I sorta’ take pleasure in his suffering. But this is a total disaster for the Miami Dolphins, who I’ve loved since 1978, so it’s far more bitter than sweat.

When will this debacle that is the Dolphins franchise ever be resolved?

When Hill became a Dolphin, I didn’t know all his off the field issues of abuse. I didn’t find out until about a year later. I never follow that stuff because I’m focused on the football part of them. But I hoped he’d get himself right for his family and himself. I’m a sucker for redemption stories.

Unfortunately, issue upon issue had made it completely clear Hill is mentally ill. I’m not saying he’s Atilla the Hun, but he’s a full-blown narcissist and not the type of football player or person you build anything on.

Of course, Grier thought differently. Grier will ‘Grier’ after all.

Miami has been a dysfunctional mess for well over a decade

You build as you are, and the Dolphins are a dysfunctional mess shortly after Ross took over and bums seem continually find their way to our team. Is it the chicken or the egg? I don’t know. Maybe it’s the whole chicken coup? I think that’s the truth. We have rotted from the head down.

It’s a shame because most of our players over the years have been the right type of guys. But it only takes one rotten apple to ruin the bunch. Hill is a dozen rotten apples by himself.

You can bet with the best pay per head that the Hill saga will only get worse.

Get this bum off the team!

Go Phins!!!


  • Bob

    He’s a very talented player, but he’s a CANCER. Get rid of him.

    I have been a fan since early in 1972. I don’t see this team winning with Stephen Ross as the owner.

    • admin

      I agree! you bet me by 6 years.. I’m 1978… sadly I agree Ross is an albatrose.. hope we are wrong!